Monday, October 29, 2012

LAD #10

The Monroe Doctrine: 

           December 2, 1823 at President Monroe's seventh annual address to congress, President Monroe presented the Monroe Doctrine. In the president’s address to congress, he informed them that several countries in Latin America (Chile, Columbia, Mexico and Peru), had established stable governments and that the US should recognize theses countries as newly established countries. With President Monroe’s supervision, John Quincy Adams made instructions for the new ambassadors of these newly recognized countries. President Monroe also declared that the US's policy was to republicanism institutions. The Monroe Doctrine also stated that the US would no longer consider the Western Hemisphere a place for any kind of European Colonization. This doctrine also stated that any further effort made by European countries to gain control in this hemisphere or violated the independence or existing states, would be treated as an act of hostility. According to Monroe the Us, Britain and Russia believed that Europe needed to stay out of colonial affairs and only interfere with their own. It also says that America intends to be neutral in all European affairs and wars, including any of which are between European colonies vs. their mother countries. Then America agreed to stay out of European affairs (including there colonies) and expected in Return Europe to do the same in the Western Hemisphere.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

LAD #9

Jefferson's First Inaugural Address

 Thomas Jefferson started his March 4th, 1801 Inaugural Address (his first one), by stating he was going to take a very cautious approach to the presidency. Very humble with his words he said he alone was not talented enough to run country and would rely heavily on the Constitution to help him through any trouble. After that Jefferson tells the people of the United States that best for them to unite, regardless of past conflicts. It is his belief that the new republican government will be strong and that the people can successfully govern themselves. Jefferson then tells the people that in order to be successful they must obey the principles of equality, truth, honor and lastly temperance. After that Jefferson lists the policies regarding government, economy and society that will make the Untied States successful. He asks the people to be patient with him and to support the government even at hard times. He will complete his responsibilities to best of his ability,and he will only retire and stop this when the people want him to. Jefferson then ends his first Inaugural Address by reminding the people that the governments power lies in them and they he hopes he and the government will fairly represent the wishes of the people.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Blog #8

Should Christopher Columbus be considered a hero or villain?

Well... there are two sides to every pancake, but I choose the side where he is a villain. He did do some great things, but the path he took to get there was horrible. Christopher Columbus was a lying, self absorbed, gold seeking traitor. To start off the list of things he did wrong, the first man to see the sight of land was supposed to get a yearly pension of 10,000 maravedis for life, but the man who was first never got his money, Christopher Columbus did. He said he was the first man to see the new land and he lied for the money. Then, when he arrived back from his first voyage he exaggerated his reports and promises to the crown for more money to voyage back again. Then when he went back he started rounding up the natives to use as slaves, he would even take women and children. With these slaves he would send them on gold hunts and if they didn't find any they would have their hand cut off and be left to bleed to death. This then started mass suicide among the natives because they did not want to be taken by the Spaniards. This man caused such a fear in the natives, more then half died, through murder suicide or mutilation. A quote from the reading about the enslavement and killings ""The cruel policy initiated by Columbus and pursued by his successors resulted in complete genocide."" Columbus truly had no respect for the natives culture and what they could teach them, he only had an interest in what he could take from them. He also wasn't even from Spain, he just was representing them, not even his own home country (bad Italian). He really should be considered a villain in history, not a hero. What is presented to society is a day off of work because it was the day this land was found, but what really people are unknowingly celebrating is slavery, cruelty, and death. I don't think people really want to celebrate that Christopher Columbus, that is a memory best kept away.