Wednesday, October 10, 2012

LAD #9

Jefferson's First Inaugural Address

 Thomas Jefferson started his March 4th, 1801 Inaugural Address (his first one), by stating he was going to take a very cautious approach to the presidency. Very humble with his words he said he alone was not talented enough to run country and would rely heavily on the Constitution to help him through any trouble. After that Jefferson tells the people of the United States that best for them to unite, regardless of past conflicts. It is his belief that the new republican government will be strong and that the people can successfully govern themselves. Jefferson then tells the people that in order to be successful they must obey the principles of equality, truth, honor and lastly temperance. After that Jefferson lists the policies regarding government, economy and society that will make the Untied States successful. He asks the people to be patient with him and to support the government even at hard times. He will complete his responsibilities to best of his ability,and he will only retire and stop this when the people want him to. Jefferson then ends his first Inaugural Address by reminding the people that the governments power lies in them and they he hopes he and the government will fairly represent the wishes of the people.

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