Wednesday, February 13, 2013

LAD # 31

We have all herd about President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, he opens up his points with his strong desire to have international peace. With multiple mentions of Russia President Wilson makes it very evident that given Russia current position that peace can be made with them for a short amount of time. It is implied that Wilson believes that the Great War is being fought for purely a moral cause. Before fully discussing what his points are Wilson states his own opinion that the world is one people and that each country is the partner of the next.  He then gives a reminder to the American people of what exactly are America’s motivations for entering this war.  During his fourteen points President Wilson recites the "program of world peace".  The following are his points summarized; one open and public treaties with out private dealings, two freedom of the seas, three removal of economic barriers and establishment of equal trade, four reduced armaments (for Germany), five impartial adjustment of colonial claims, six calls for the evacuation of Russia and international help for Russia, seven calls for the soverniety of Belgium, eight the righting of wrongs done to France by Prussia in dealings with the Alsace-Lorraine, nine readjustment to the Italian borders, ten opportunity for autonomous development of Austria-Hungary, eleven dealt with the evacuation of evacuation of Rumania, Serbia and Montenegro, Dardanelles should be an area of free passage and sovereignty for the Turkish Romanians, twelve the creation of a sovereign polish state, and fourteen was and a general association of nations geared towards world peace and protection ( League of Nations). To conclude Wilsons pleaded for peace and justly reminded Americans what the cause of the Great War were.

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