Tuesday, March 12, 2013

LAD #35

On February 19, 1942, Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued his Executive Order #9066. He started his executive order by stating that this document was required in order to prevent any acts of espionage or any “harmful” actions toward the war efforts in America. FDR then declared that the secretary of War and the military commanders should designate military zones in the US. He continued in granting effort and support of any other federal agencies and bureaus in order to insure the resources they needed to full fill this order. He then commanded all federal agencies to be supportive in this effort and be conscious of their resources such as food, shelter, land, equipment, facilities, utilities, etc.  FDR closed his order by saying that this document was not to infringe upon the interests of the FBI. Ultimately this executive order led to Japanese internment camps in the military zones. These camps were where innocent Japanese-Americans were sent to be held in order to prevent any acts of espionage that could hurt any other American citizen. These camps are greatly considered to be one of the biggest regrets of the American government in history.

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