Thursday, March 21, 2013

LAD #36

On March 12th, 1947 President Harry S. Truman made an address to congress known as the Truman Doctrine. He opens his address by stating that Turkey and Greece are requesting monetary support from the US. He continues on stating hat these counties have always been scarce for resources and have had to work hard in order to stay democratic. But, the ever-prevalent pressures of communism are beginning to affect these weak countries. Communist ideas have been on the minds of these people due to their poor conditions, and their economy is a wreak making even subsistence living a challenge. These two countries have requested American aid in leadership, supervision and support to make sure the money that was loaned is effectively used. President Truman argues that without American monetary support, these small countries will fall pray to communism and democracy will not hold through. He then recognizes that the previous wars were begun as other countries attempted to impose their will on other countries. Btu as a result of this, President Truman proposes the creation of the United Nations to help fix all these problems. By creating this, he emphases that no other country can support Greece and Turkey. President Truman then says that if these two countries were to fall to communism it would cause major issues for he surrounding countries. He then request an investment that was much smaller that what was spent during WWII to help aid these countries. President Truman then ends his address with a call to America; he calls for the leadership of the United States, so that the people in those countries can remain free under democracy.

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