Saturday, September 15, 2012

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

1. Democratic Principles

 To summarize the principles in the Declaration of Independence, it states that all men have certain unalienable rights, that all men are created equal and that they can peruse "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Also from this the people have the right to choose how they are being governed, and have the choice to change that. The main principle of this was freedom and independence for their colonies.

2. List a handful of grievances:
Some grievances include placing taxes on the colonists with out there consent, Depriving the colonist of the benefit of having a jury at trail, dissolving representative houses that opposed the king (just for not liking them).  Another big grievance of the colonies was that the king cut off all trade with other parts of the world (beside the mother country). The issue of not letting foreigners be naturalized in to the colonies was also brought up on the list of grievances.

3. The Conclusion
To summarize the conclusion, the colonists have tried to warn the British that there attempts at legislator and ruling are unwanted and unjustifiable. They also remind the British why they left in the first place to come to the new world. Then the colonists formally denounce their separation from England, “FREE AND INDEPENTANT STATES”. They say to the crown that they ought to dissolved there power in the new world. And they say that now that they are independent states they have the power to wage war, make peace, form alliances and establish their own commerce and any other act they wish to do.



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