Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address was a very significant document to the United States. In this farewell address Washington's stated that we was stepping down as president after his second term, and that he would not be back for anymore. Along with this important announcement he shared many of his other thoughts about the nations future. One thought he shared was that he thought there should be no political parties. Along with criticizing the idea of party he criticized the factions, he said that both of these things could be harmful to the unity of the states and could tear them apart. One praise he did have was for the federalists and he was a fan of central government. It was his belief that it held the country together, and that this system was better off at making amendments and laws that helped the citizens. He also states again that he believes the United states should stay neutral at times of war between other countries, for it could bring negative effects on the country (why don't we still listen to this idea) . This document was Washington's good bye but also a warning to the people. Advice was what this document had to offer, advice on how to run the country, how to keep it democratic, safe and unified. In this address you can see the love George Washington had for this country and you ca see his genuine interest in the success of this nation.

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