Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD #11 - Seneca Falls Declaration

             The Seneca Falls Declaration was brought up by the people who wanted to make change happen. These people couldn't stand with what they were living with and wanted to make the best out of an occupation that was often not glamours. The people who participated in sharing there options were Frances Wright, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Ernestine Rose, plus many other influential women. These women wanted to be treated as equals, these women expressed how poorly they had been mistreated and abused by men. An example is how men take women as property along with the women's own money. These role model women then came up with ideas on how they could become equal to men. They spoke up and and stated that god had intended all men and women to be equal and that it was the women's responsibly to speak and encourage teaching. These women played an important role in society and the Seneca Falls Declaration was the first step in a long journey for women gaining equality. 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal"

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