Monday, November 19, 2012

LAD # 17

In 1851 at a Women’s Convention in Akron, Ohio, Sojourner Truth gave a powerful speech, despite her lack of an English Education. Sojourner begins her speech by saying that between blacks’ rights and women’s rights; a conflict is bound to occur at any time. In response to a man’s statement saying that women were meant to be helped and not do anything for themselves. She shares scaring stories of her own enslavement. She remind the people in the audience that she was beaten and whipped along with working long painful hours as a slave, and give not receive any help from a man. She them argues back to this narrow mined man, that because she was a women and survived these hardships, that this man’s statement is incorrect. Adding on to that she says that even if a women or black has less intelligence that they should still be able to use whatever amount no matter how small. Her last point was that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus, forever changing the world, clearly eliminating the argument that females cannot make any difference. After that with true southern hospitality Sojourner thanks the people for their time.

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