Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD # 19

Abraham Lincoln's  Second Inaugural Address  1865

 President Lincoln starts off his second Inaugural Address by saying that there is little new information and that this address will be much shorted than his previous one. He then went on to say that in his previous address he recognized the two groups that had emerged, the ones who desired to secede and the ones who would take on a war if that meant protecting the union. Even though the government had not desire to take away slavery, the Southern Confederates still waged a war for secession. Lincoln then goes on to say that no one could have foreseen the strength or duration of this war. Also, President Lincoln referrers to God many times throughout his address. It is his opinion that both sides have asked for God’s help, but neither side’s prayers have been answered. He states that if God wanted there to be the destruction of slavery, it will be so. Then very politely, he closes by saying that the United States shall repair its wounds and hold "malice towards none" after this horrible war.

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