Saturday, January 5, 2013

LAD #23

In the election of 1892, the Populist Party represented a potentially viable option for the presidency. As a response to Gilded Age and its big business, the populists were against the concentration of money. In their preamble, the populists stated that America is in ruins and that all corruption must be put to an end. In their argument they argued that silver has always been used as currency, and that it must be used again as currency to scare of creditors. The “plain people” are whom the populists are fighting for. They claimed that they must increase the control of the government in ordered rot regulate the corrupt big business and their practices. And allow silver to become currency again. Again, they talked about their desire for silver money, a graduated income tax and an increase in the circulation of wealth. Also the idea that there should be a permanent union of labor workers along with many other things. Their desired graduated income tax revenue would be directed to decrease other taxes. This group was also against long hours and government subsidies to private business. All in all the populists wanted more power for the average working man.

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