Saturday, January 5, 2013

LAD #24

In 1896 on July 9th William Jennings Bryan made a speech about his support of silver currency being used in the American economy in a valued ratio of 16 to 1. By having this currency it would help the farmers in debt by increasing the amount of currency that is in circulation. In Bryan’s mind he appealed to his “holy” cause as being what is truly humane and righteous for the country to do. He argues that he is not here to fight, but to calm the situation. The idea of the coinage of silver is a matter of principle. Bryan believes that the United States is supposed to be a country for the people, which are what the country was founded on. He also argues that he himself represents the masses when he is showing his desire for the coinage of silver. He also points out hat he is in favor of having an income tax. He also believes that the nation needs a leader that will end the concentration of wealth in the fans of the few that are powerful. He then goes on to recognize that many of the city inhabitants think that the gold standard should be in place. But, then reminds them that their lovely wealth comes from the hard work of the poor and in order for the poor to continue on with their lives they need the coinage of silver. Then with much dramatic flair he closes he speech with the powerful statement “You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

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