Monday, January 21, 2013

LAD #26

On August 28, 1963 Martin Luther King Jr., gave an influential speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  Martin Luther King Jr., started his speech with the ever-powerful statement "I have a Dream". Throughout his timeless speech he repeats this statement, thus bringing passion to the audience. His dream was a day when all men are judged by the "content of their character", a day when his black children could play with whites. His speech was about treating some one differently just because of their race, age, gender or any other characteristic that is insignificant and how that is inhume and disgraceful. Mr. King alludes to the constitution when he says to the audience, "all men are created equal", he by doing this means that all black men and all white men are equal.  He dreams of a day were pervious wrongs have been righted, where previous slave owners would sit down with there former slaves and have a civilized dinner. Mr. King had a powerful dream that was herd by millions.  
He is still remembered today and will never be forgotten.

Happy MLKJ Day America!

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